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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Tuna Treats

4 Tomatoes
Lemon Juice
Low Fat Yoghurt
Salt & Pepper

Starter Portion For Four

  1. Start by cutting off the top of each tomato and scoop out the inside flesh. Conserve this flesh for later.
  2. Season the tomato 'shells' with salt and leave them upside on kitchen paper for about an hour. This way they will hold their filling better.
  3. Also place the insides of the tomatoes in a drainer and leave it in your sink to drain. 
  4. In mean time put a can of tuna, around 130g worth, in blender alongside a small handful of capers (which have been rinsed off the salt), 2 or 3 anchovy fillets, just over a tablespoon of low fat yoghurt and a large pinch of finely chopped parsley and chives. 
  5. Blend your mixture a little, then add the juice of a lemon, salt and pepper and the tomato flesh.
  6. Continue to process the filling until its a smooth texture. If it's too dry, add more yoghurt. 
  7. Then when your shells are ready, spoon the tuna mixture into each on up to the brink and garnish them with fresh basil leafs.
  8. Place them in a serving dish and put them in a fridge until you are ready to serve them (ideally an hour or so).

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