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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Stuffed Pasta Bake

Conchiglioni Pasta
Tomato Passata
Olive Oil
Mozzarella Cheese
Salt (rock and fine) & Pepper
Pre-Heated Oven at 180°C

Serving For Four

  1. First of all you need to cook the pasta so get a pot with water and put it on full heat. 
  2. You also need the tomato sauce, so get a pan, drizzle some olive oil and add half a finely chopped onion. When the onion fries and starts to become transparent, add a bottle of tomato passata. If there is still some tomato left in the bottle, fill it up 1/4 of the water, put the lid on, shake it and add the watered down sauce to the pan as well. 
  3. Turn the heat down, add a pinch of salt and pepper and let it bubble away for around 7-10 mins.  
  4. When the water is boiling, add 500g of Conchiglioni and a pinch of rock salt. As the pasta is going in the oven later, don't let it cook too much and drain it a few minutes before you normally would. Mushy pasta is never nice, even if its been baked!
  5. When the tomato sauce has cooked a little, you can begin to spoon it into a oven dish. Wet the bottom off the dish with the sauce so that the pasta won't stick to the bottom.
  6. When the pasta is ready, drain it, let it cool down and add some olive oil. 
  7. When the pasta is cool enough for you to handle, slowly fill each Conchiglioni with a spoonful of tomato sauce. This way each bite is moist and tasty. Once you have covered the whole base of the dish with Conchiglionis, add several teaspoon dollops of pesto over the pasta alongside torn pieces of mozzarella.
  8. Repeat the whole process on another layer and so forth until the dish is full. Don't forget to season each layer with a small sprinkle of salt and pepper.
  9. Then lastly sprinkle some fresh parmesan on the top and place in your oven for around 20 minutes.
  10. You can eat it warm or even have it for lunch the next day.

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