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Saturday 4 February 2012

Tagliatelle with Mushroom & Gorgonzola

Tagliatelle Pasta
Gorgonzola Cheese
Cream (double or single)
Salt (fine and rock salt)
Black Pepper
Shot Brandy

Serving For Two

  1. Start by putting a pot of water on full heat for the pasta.
  2. Then in another pan (later big enough to also mix the pasta in), add a large chunk of butter and half an onion finely chopped.
  3. When the butter has melted and the onion begins to fry, add a handful of mushrooms which have been finely chopped.
  4. Then add a large piece of Gorgonzola cheese. I would say over 50g worth. 
  5. When the cheese also begins to melt and the butter slightly goldens, add the shot of brandy. If you have a gas hob the alcohol will flame, otherwise nothing will happen. 
  6. Add a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper. Be careful not to season too much as the cheese is a little salty already.
  7. Then add quite a lot of cream to the pan. The cream must flood all the ingredients. By putting a lot of cream, you avoid using water and keep the pasta rich. Switch the heat off.
  8. When the water for the  pasta is boiling, add a pinch of rock salt and throw around 230g of Tagliatelle for both of you. 
  9. Drain the pasta when it's al-dente and add it to the pan with the sauce.
  10. Put the heat back on and let the pasta mix well. The cream on full heat will boil quick and will attach itself to the pasta well. Keeping mixing, because the heat is high so the cream can easily burn. Add a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley in to the pan. 
  11. When the sauce has reduced serve the pasta and put a little more finely chopped parsley on top for decoration.

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