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Saturday 4 February 2012

Stuffed Courgettes

2 Courgettes
Fresh Cherry Tomatoes
Gorgonzola Cheese
Pancetta (Bacon)
Olive Oil
Oven at 180°C

Serving For Two

  1. Start by emptying your two courgettes. Cut them in half vertically to make the job easier. You can empty them with a small knife and/or a spoon. You need to completely gut the vegetable. Put the inside of it in a plate.
  2. Get a small pan. Inside put half a chopped onion and some olive oil. Put the heat of full so the onion can fry.
  3. Chop up finely the inside of the courgettes and add it to the pan when the onion has become transparent. 
  4. Then chop into four a handful of cherry tomatoes and add them to the pan. Keep stirring all the ingredients on full heat. 
  5. Add a handful of cubed pancetta and 3/4 of a glass of water. Put a lid on the pan and lower the heat slightly. 
  6. Put your gutted courgettes on a plate and microwave on full heat for around 2 minutes. They should become a little softer and this will ensure they will be cooked at the same time as the topping in the oven. Place them on an oven dish ready to fill.
  7. After a little while, lift the lid and let the water totally reduce. Make sure the courgette pieces are cooked. Sprinkle a little salt and black pepper for seasoning.
  8. Also add a sprinkle of salt to the empty courgettes.
  9. Then when the filling has cooked, spoon it into the courgette shells until they are full. 
  10. Add a two strips of gorgonzola on each courgette half and sprinkle some parmesan at the end.
  11. Put the oven dish in the oven at 180°C and cook for 20 minutes. Keep an eye on the courgettes as each oven is slightly different.
  12. When the toping is golden, switch the oven off and let them cool down for 10 minutes or so.
  13. When they are at room temperature serve them up.

1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic. I made them last evening. Only change I made was using Cheddar instead of Gorgonzola for the kid's. Everyone loved them.
