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Thursday 2 February 2012

Springtime Penne

Penne Pasta
Fresh Cherry Tomatoes
Pancetta (Bacon)
Salt (fine and rock salt)
Olive Oil

Serving For Two

  1. Pot a of water on full heat for the pasta.
  2. Chop half an onion and put it in a pan with olive oil on full heat. Make sure this pan is big enough to mix the pasta in later.
  3. Cut a courgette into small cubes. If it's quite a big one then on courgette is enough, otherwise use two. Throw the vegetable into the pan when the onion is becoming transparent.
  4. Let the courgette fry for a little on full heat. Add a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of chilli.
  5. In mean time chop a handful of cherry tomatoes into four and throw them into the pan as well. Make sure you keep mixing so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan. 
  6. Then add some cubed pancetta (or bacon) and keep stirring.
  7. When the natural fluids from the courgette and tomatoes has dried out, add a glass of water, turn the heat down to medium and put a lid on the pan.
  8. When the water is boiling, add a pinch of rock salt and throw roughly 230g of pasta for the two of you.
  9. Keep stirring the vegetables and pancetta. The courgette will take a little while to cook so keeping a lid on will allow the vegetable to cook from both sides. Make sure also there is quite a bit of sauce so that everything can boil.
  10. When the pasta is al-dente, drain it and add it to the pain. Mix all the ingredients together on a high heat and let them cook for a minute or so longer.
  11. Serve up the pasta and grate some fresh parmesan to finish off.

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