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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Risotto With Calamari & Aubergine

Calamari (Squid)
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Canned Cherry Tomatoes
4 Shots of White Wine
Olive Oil
Black Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. First of all, get a pot big enough to cook the rice in. Obviously the amount of rice depends on how many people you are, but a mug of uncooked risotto is enough for two people as a rough guideline. Put half an onion with some olive oil in the pot at full heat. The big piece of onion will later be taken out, if you cut the onion into smaller pieces they will break down and it will be impossible to fish them out again. 
  2. When the onion starts to fry, add the rice. Stir for a minute or so, and when it's dried up, add a shot of white wine (whichever wine you like) and keep stirring. 
  3. Then add water (possibly hot already from a kettle) and let boil on a slightly lower heat. Keep adding small amounts of water until the rice is al-dente. Before taking the pot of the heat, remove the large onion.
  4. Put the pot aside and let the rice settle. As the rice is a little hard, it will soften a little in the heat and therefore be perfectly cooked for later.
  5. Get a new pan (which will later be big enough for the sauce and rice to mix) and put a finely chopped glove of garlic with some olive oil and ideally fresh chilli. Put the pan on full heat.
  6. When the garlic is sizzling, add some finely cut calamari (squid). Let them fry for a short while, always making sure that garlic doesn't burn or the whole dish will be ruined.
  7. When the Calamari starts to slightly change colour, add the 3 remaining shots of white wine. Let the ingredients come to a boil.
  8. Add a handful of sun dried tomatoes and then half a can of cherry tomatoes for a splash of colour. 
  9. Cut half an aubergine in relatively small cubes and them to the pan also. Add a glass of water and let it simmer. Season with salt and pepper and put a lid on the pan.
  10. When the calamari are white and the aubergine are becoming soft, add the rice to the pan. The rice will still need a few minutes of cooking so allowing all the ingredients to mix well will make this risotto extra tasty. If your sauce doesn't cover the rice, just add a little more water.
  11. When the rice is cooked to your liking, serve it up on a plate and add a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley for decoration and extra taste.

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