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Friday 2 March 2012

Sensuous Strawberry & Cosy Chocolate Cake

For the Cake:
250g Self Raising Flour
150g Granulated Sugar
250ml Whole Milk
100g Unsalted Butter
4 Tablespoons of Strawberry Jam
3 Tablespoons of Coco Powder
1 Whole Egg
Half a Shot of a Sweet Liquor
Pre-Heated Oven 180°C
For the Icing:
290ml Double Cream
2 Tablespoons of Icing Sugar
2 Tablespoons of Coco Powder
6 Fresh Strawberries

Serving For 10 People

For the Sponge:
  1. Get a large glass bowl and crack a whole egg in it. Mix it with an electric whisk alongside the sugar. 
  2. When it is a smooth paste, add the coco powder and your butter, which ideally has been in room temperature and diced.
  3. Whilst mixing these ingredients, again with an electric whisk, add in the milk slowly and in small amounts.
  4. When the mixture is smooth, add the flour and again mix it all really well until the mixture is smooth and thick.
  5. Pour the mixture into a baking tray, ideally smaller in circumference, so the cake becomes taller rather than wider.  Put it in the oven for around 30-35 minutes. 
  6. If your not sure the cake is cooked, place a knife in it and if it comes out clean, it's ready.
  7. Place it on a cooling rack to cool down. If you baking try's sides unclip, don't unclip them until the cake is cold to avoid it breaking. 
For the Icing:
  1. Again get a large glass bowl and place in the sugar with the cream. Whisk it with an electrical whisk until it is firm and creates mountain tips.
  2. Then add your coco powder and whisk it again until it is all a uniform colour. Make sure this time you whisk it delicately and avoid putting the whisk on a very fast setting.
  3. Let that sit for a little while in a cool place.
  4. In meanwhile, slowly and carefully cut your cake with an ideally long knife in half horizontally. Start from one side and keep turning the cake until you are where you began. Try to keep the knife flat and always in the middle to avoid one side of the cake being thicker than the other. 
  5. Use a plate to help you flip the top side off. When you have done so, wet the bottom layer with a mixture of water, sugar and possibly a sweet liquor like Limoncello or Cherry. Only add a little sugar, the exact amounts vary so just try the mix before brushing on the cake. Using a kitchen brush wet the cake, but in reason as too much water can break it. This is used to keep the cake moist, so only a little is needed.
  6. After, put your strawberry jam onto the bottom layer of the cake. Spread it out with a knife so that it is all even. 
  7. Slowly and carefully put the top layer back onto the cake, you can use the plate again to aid you.
  8. Now is the messy part, so carefully put your whipped cream topping onto the cake. Make sure the cake is col before doing this. Use a latex spatula to spread the topping carefully, don't forget to cover the sides. 
  9. When you are happy with the look of the cream, cut your strawberries in half and place them on the top of the cake. For extra decorating, cut on of the strawberries in 4 and place it vertically in the middle. 

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