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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Mushroom & Aubergine Fusilli

Fusilli Pasta
Kalamata Olives
Canned Cherry Tomatoes
Shot of White Wine
Dash of Cream (double or single)
Clove of Garlic
Olive Oil
Salt (fine and rock salt)

This is perfect for vegetarians seeking a treat!

Serving for Two
  1. Before making the pasta, quickly fry cubes of aubergine in oil. Allow them to golden and when ready put them on a plate with some kitchen roll to drain the oil.
  2. Put a pot of water on full heat for the pasta.
  3. In mean time finely chop a glove of garlic and add it to a pan with some olive oil. Later you will add the pasta to the pan as well, so make sure the pan is big enough.
  4. When the garlic is frying, add some chopped mushrooms. Make sure the garlic does not burn as the taste will ruin the dish.
  5. Add the shot of white wine when the mushrooms have fried a little. The wine can create a flame on a gas hob, so be careful.
  6. Add the fried aubergine and half a tin of canned cherry tomatoes. Let all the ingredients slowly cook together on a medium heat. Make sure the sauce remains moist.
  7. When the water boils add a pinch of rock salt and roughly 230g of pasta for the two of you. 
  8. Keep an eye on the sauce as it doesn't take long to cook. If the mushrooms are cooked, turn the heat off.
  9. When the pasta is al-dente drain it and add it the pan. Mix all the ingredients together on full heat, add some grated parmesan and a dash of cream right at the end. It's important the cream doesn't cook too long as it can separate and ruin the appearance of the dish.
  10. Serve the pasta up and add another sprinkle of parmesan on the top as well as a leaf of parsley for decoration. 

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