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Sunday 29 January 2012

Paccheri with Peppers & Mozzarella

Paccheri Pasta
Peppers (any colours)
Canned Plum Tomatoes
Kalamata Olives
Clove of Garlic
Olive Oil
Salt (fine and rock salt)
Grounded Chilli

Serving for Two

  1. Cut a clove of garlic into small pieces, sprinkle some grounded chilli and fry with some olive oil in a pan. This pan later needs to be big enough for the pasta to be mixed in to. 
  2. Chop the peppers into thin vertical strips. The thinner the strips, the quicker the peppers take to cook.
  3. Add them to the pan when the garlic starts to become transparent. Don't let the garlic burn or golden as it will ruin the taste of the whole dish.
  4. Keep stirring the peppers and keep them on a high heat for several minutes to let them fry. They will start to loose some water which will help the peppers to stop burning. Add just a pinch of salt.
  5. When the peppers start to colour, add half a can of plum tomatoes. Turn the heat down slightly.
  6. Add a handful of drained olives and around half the amount of capers, as they are quite salty, into the pan. 
  7. Put a lid on the pan so the peppers can cook well and quicker.
  8. In mean time, put a pot of water on full heat. When the water boils, add a large pinch of rock salt. 
  9. Then put around 115g of pasta per person into the water. This pasta takes quite a long time to cook, so I would suggest around 11 minutes or so. 
  10. If the peppers are ready before the pasta is, then just turn the heat off, but leave the lid on. Make sure they are still saucy.
  11. Drain the pasta when it's al-dente and add it to the pan with the peppers.  
  12. Heat up the pan and stir everything together.
  13. When the pasta has picked up the colours from the peppers plate it all up. 
  14. Add some chopped up mozzarella, cold from the fridge and add it on the top of the pasta.
  15. To finish off, add some fresh basil for decoration and extra taste.

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