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Saturday 19 May 2012

Steak With Porcini Mushroom Sauce

350g of Fresh Beef Steak
Porcini Mushrooms
Closed Cup Mushrooms
1 Shot Brandy
2 Shots Red Wine
Dash of Cream
Salt & Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. Fill a breakfast bowl with 2 shots of red wine and fill up to 3/4 of the bowl with water. Put 25-30g of dried Porcini mushrooms and leave them to soak for around 10 minutes. 
  2. In mean time add a chunk of butter to a medium size pan alongside a small onion which has been finely chopped. 
  3. When the onion is frying and changing in colour, add around 8-10 closed cup mushrooms which have been thinly sliced.
  4. Let everything continue frying on hight heat. The mushrooms will slowly start loosing some water. Don't be scared and turn the heat down as they'll boil rather than fry. Just keep stirring them to avoid anything sticking to the pan.
  5. Add in the Porcini mushrooms without the water and wine, but still keep the concoction for later.
  6. When the mushrooms have soften and they are becoming a little dry, add in your shot of brandy. Any brandy is ok, and if you don't have brandy than Cherry or Port will be fine. 
  7. Be careful when adding the brandy, especially if you have an electric hob as a flame can be created. When adding the Brandy, make sure the pan is hot and that you haven't moved it off the heat. The alcohol needs to make a fizzing noise when touching the pan.
  8. Season with salt and pepper and add the mix of water and red wine from earlier.
  9. Put a lid on the pan, lower the heat very slightly and allow your mushrooms to cook.
  10. Drizzle a little olive oil on the 2 steaks and add them on a hot grill or griddle pan. Don't season them with salt yet as it will absorb any moisture and make the steak dry. 
  11. When the Porcini mushrooms have cooked and the sauce is reduced, add a dash of cream and check for seasoning.
  12. If the sauce with mushrooms is still too runny, just turn the heat up on full and without a lid, allow the sauce to thicken. 
  13. When the steak is cooked to your liking, season it with salt and pepper and place it in your pan with the mushroom sauce. 
  14. Turn the steak on both sides in the sauce to absorb some taste, whilst the heat is still on.
  15. Then plate up your two steaks and when the sauce is perfectly thick, pour it over the steaks.
  16. Add some finely chopped parsley for extra taste.

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