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Monday 5 March 2012

Piercing Penne

Penne Pasta
Canned Cherry Tomatoes
Olive Oil
Salt (rock and fine) & Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. Start by getting a pot full of water and putting it on full heat. 
  2. Get another pan, later big enough to mix the pasta in, and drizzle a healthy amount of olive oil. Add two crushed garlic gloves. By not cutting the garlic, it keeps more flavour so the sauce will be richer. You can simply crush them with your palms and leave them in quite large chunks. 
  3. Chop up a couple fresh chillies and add them to the hot oil. Also add a couple leaves of basil into the hot oil.
  4. When the garlic is sizzling add a can and a half of cherry tomatoes. Be careful as it might splatter. Make sure you add the tomato sauce before the garlic gets any colour.
  5. Add a big pinch of salt and pepper and turn the heat down to medium so the sauce is occasionally bubbling.
  6. When the water is bubbling, add a pinch of rock salt and throw 230g of penne for the two of you.
  7. If you see the tomato sauce is too runny, turn the heat up and let it do some serious cooking for the last 5 minutes or so. 
  8. When the pasta is al dente, drain it and add it to the pan with the sauce. This will allow our sauce to befriend well the pasta and enter all the crevasses. 
  9. Add a finely chopped mozzarella and a handful of grated parmesan. Mix it all well together until the mozzarella is melted and the sauce has dried up.
  10. When you plate up the pasta, add a fresh leaf of basil for extra taste and decoration. If you like you can add more chilli in the end for a hot finish.

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