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Sunday 11 March 2012

Homemade Burgers

250g of Lean Minced Meat
3 Egg Yolks
Peppers (Any Colour)
Fresh Cherry Tomatoes
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. First of all, get a glass bowl and tip in your minced meat in. Add the 3 egg yolks, a large pinch of salt and pepper and some pancetta. Ideally you should fry you cubed pancetta (or bacon) in a small pan with some olive oil and some finely chopped onion for several minutes on full heat.
  2. Dice up 1/4 of an onion into really small pieces and add it to the bowl as well. If you want to, you can add some chilli, some pesto or even some green curry pasta to make your burger a little more adventurous. With your hands, mix everything together, making sure you have broken the egg yolks and everything is befriended well. 
  3. Then grab a piece of the meat and with the palm of your hand, shape them into balls. You can make them as small or big as you want. 
  4. Place them on a large dish and as you place them, gently push down on them so they become slightly flatter and more burger-shape. Once you have made all your burgers, place the dish in the fridge to allow them to settle in their shape.
  5. In mean time, get a pan and drizzle a healthy amount of olive oil. Also put in 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic.
  6. On full heat, the garlic should fry and before it changes colour or burns, add in 4 peppers which have been cut into thin strips. 
  7. Let the peppers fry in the oil, always on full heat, and season with salt and pepper. 
  8. When you see the oil has totally dried up and the peppers begin to become a little burnt, add a glass of water and put a lid on the pan.
  9. Let them cook further for around ten minutes on a medium heat. 
  10. Whilst the peppers cook, get a smaller pan and add a chunk of butter. 
  11. When the butter starts to melt, add a whole onion which has been finely cut into half moon shapes. Let the onion fry in the butter.
  12. Keep checking your peppers, and when they are cooked to your liking, switch off the heat. If you like, throw in a couple chopped cherry tomatoes and keep the lid on the pan to allow them to get warm. However don't let the cherry tomatoes cook on a switched on hob as they will lose their shape and texture. 
  13. Allow the onions which are frying to really become brown in colour. When the butter has dried up, you can add a drizzle of olive oil. Its important you keep them on full heat, don't by scared!
  14. When they are perfectly fried and golden, switch off the heat.
  15. Now place your burger buns on a grill or a grill pan. Before you put them on a heat, quickly season them again with salt and pepper and wet them with olive oil either side.
  16. Flip the burgers after a few minutes and let them cook either side. Depending on how cooked you like them, is when you should serve them up, but a little pink inside is always good.
  17. Serve them up on a plate, next to your peppers and add the fried onions on the top. You can decorate the plate with some fresh cherry tomatoes.

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