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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Coconut Mince

400g of Lean Minced Meat
Half a Butternut Squash
Coconut Milk
Porcini Mushroom
Plain White Rice
2 Shots White Wine
Chilli Oil
Dash of Cream
Salt (rock and fine) & Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. Get a large pan and add a chunk of butter and a drizzle of hot chilli oil alongside half a finely chopped onion.
  2. Let it melt and fry a little and then add half a butternut squash which has been cut into bite size pieces. The vegetable is quite hard but if you cut it in half then it's easier to 'peel' the skin off. The best way to take away the skin is with a small knife, but be careful of your fingers! 
  3. Once the butternut squash has been frying for a few minutes on full heat, add the minced meat. Break it down with a plastic spoon, so the meat is all separated and there are no clotted bits.
  4. When the meat starts to change colour and everything has started to befriend, add a couple shots of white wine and 3/4 of a can of coconut milk. Season everything with salt and pepper.
  5. Add a handful of porcini mushrooms and glass or so of water and put a lid on the pan. Leave it alone to simmer on medium heat. 
  6. When you see the butternut squash has softened and the meat is cooked, get a pot half full with water and put it to boil.
  7. When it is about to come to a boil, add around a mug of rice as a side order to your meat. Don't forget to add a pinch of rock salt to the water. 
  8. If when the rice is nearly cooked, the sauce is too watery, take the lid off and allow it to really cook on full heat for the last 5 minutes or so. 
  9. When the rice is soft, drain the water and add a small knob of butter and let it melt in with the rice. Put your rice into a small bowl, like a cereal bowl, stuffing it full and tip it upside down on your plate so that it becomes a dome-shape.
  10. When the sauce is ready, at the last minute, add a dash of cream and serve it up next to the rice.
  11. Add a sprinkle of chopped parsley for decoration and extra taste.

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