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Thursday 16 February 2012

Strascinati With Provola & Mushrooms

Strascinati Pasta
Provola (smoked mozzarella)
Dash of Cream
Shot of Wine
Salt (fine and rock salt)
Black Pepper

Serving For Two

  1. Prepare a pot of water and put it on full heat for the pasta.
  2. Get a pan, later big enough for the pasta to be mixed in, and put a nice chunk of butter alongside half a small onion that's been finely chopped.
  3. When the butter starts to melt and the onion starts to fry, throw in just over a handful of chopped mushrooms. There isn't a limit on how many or how little you want to put, but I would recommend around 5 or 6 whole mushrooms.
  4. When they have sizzled and have started to become moist, add a shot of white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and add half a provola which has been cut into cubes. Turn the heat off and put a lid on the pan. The cheese has to melt, so it doesn't need direct heat, just time. Add a small pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. When the water for the pasta is boiling, add around 230g of Strascinati for the two of you. Don't forget to put a pinch of rock salt in the water. 
  6. Check the sauce and when the cheese is melted, add a dash of cream. If you think the sauce is too dry, add a little water.
  7. When the pasta is al-dente, drain it and add it to the pan. Add a handful of grated parmesan to help all the ingredients stick together. Also add a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley.
  8. Dish up your pasta and add a leaf of parsley at the end for decoration.

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