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Saturday 11 February 2012

Spaghetti Meatballs

For the Meatballs:
250g Lean Mince Beef
60g of Inside of a Bread Loaf
1 Egg
1 Glove of Garlic
Handful of Fresh Parsley
For the Pasta:
Spaghetti Pasta
Tomato Passata
2 Glasses of White Wine
1 Glove of Garlic
Salt (fine and rock salt)

Serving For Two

  1. Get a 10cm wide slice of a loaf of bread and put in water. Leave this bowl on one side.
  2. Now get another bowl and crack 1 egg inside it. Whisk it a little so the yolk and the egg white have combined.
  3. Then add the meat, a finely chopped glove of garlic, a handful of finely chopped parsley and quite a lot of grated parmesan.
  4. Now back to the bread, get the inside of the bread, which now should be soft, and squeeze the water out. Then put it in the bowl with everything else. Do this in bits, but don't use any of the crust as then there will be hard bits in the meatball later. 
  5. Mix all the ingredients in bowl together with your hands. Then when everything is mixed, you can start making the meatballs. Grab a piece of the meat and shape it with the palms of your hands. Keep rotating them until you have a perfectly round meatball. Then put the raw meatballs aside on a plate. If you end up making more meatballs than you need, they are nice the next day or you can serve them with vegetables as another course after the pasta dish.
  6. Now get a big and, ideally tall pot. Add a finely chopped glove of garlic and a nice amount of olive oil. Also add a couple of pinches of salt. When the garlic starts to fry, add the whole bottle of tomato passata. Turn the heat down to avoid the sauce over bubbling.
  7. Add some basil leaves for a great flavour. 
  8. Add your meatballs to the sauce slowly to avoid ruining their shape.
  9. Then add two glasses of white wine and a small glass of water. Put a lid on the pot and make sure the heat is medium-low. 
  10. Now leave this for around 30 mins. Make sure you don't stir the sauce or the meatballs will crumble. However as everyone's heat is slightly different, make sure you regularly check nothing is over cooking or burning. If you see the sauce isn't reducing, put the heat up a little.
  11. After around 30 mins, switch off the heat. Preferably this sauce would sit for a few hours, however if you don't have the time, you can start to cook the pasta straight away.

  1. Whenever your ready, put a pot of water on full heat for the pasta.
  2. When the water starts boiling, turn the heat up on the meatballs and sauce. There should still be quite a lot of tomato sauce, which needs to be reduced to be in balance with the pasta. Therefore turning the heat up, the sauce will reduce quickly. 
  3. Add a pinch of rock salt to the boiling water and add around 170g of spaghetti. You will need less pasta than usual, seeing as you'll also have the meatballs on the plate as well.
  4. Just before the pasta is ready, plate up the meatballs on the plate. In the photo I have 3 meatballs, but it is up to you how many you want to use for each portion.
  5. When the pasta is al-dente, drain it well and add it to the tomato sauce. Turn the heat up on full and let the pasta and tomato sauce attach together well. 
  6. Then plate up the pasta and put some grated parmesan on the table for extra taste.

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